The Magic Shop

This page holds all the Illustrations I did for the Magic Shop a short story by H.G.Wells, for my first year of my illustration module at Aberystwyth University. The Magic Shop was the first book we were given to illustrate on the course before we would be later allowed to choose our own books to illustrate. I had never read the Magic Shop, so this project allowed be not only to practice illustration but learn a book in a limited time frame. Unfortunately the book and none of these images are available to purchase at this time due to copyright law. I claim none of the written text or characters of Terry Prachett to be my own, and hope this to be considered only as non commercial fan art.

If you like this work and want to commission me to do some work in a similar style then please contact me via email, mobile or facebook. My contact details are available on the About page.

Magic Shop Room 1

This is an illustration for the Magic Shop, a short story by H.G Wells I did whilst at Aberystwyth University as part of my first illustration module. The Magic shop is located in London in Regent Street. This is the first room of the magic shop which Gip and his father enter accidentality. Gip noticing the shop, exited he draws his father into the shop by his finger. In the shop there is a magic paier mache tiger that is at the top of the image. A toy sword and toy soldiers that march around by themselves at the top right of the image. There are also the many distorting mirrors around the shop patterned in distorting shapes of black and white. Gip and his father are covered in the shadows and reflections of the mirrors on the left, Gip is in shadow on the right. At the centre of the image is the magic shop owner, a strange magical , quirky and mysterious character. In my interpretation he is split into half rabbit, half kitten. He has one ear larger than the other and his character changes in the story from being kind, caring and wise to being perhaps more sinister by the end. The boy Gip’s father I interpreted and designed to resemble H.G Wells,

This illustration was inked in Indian Ink on A3 mixed media paper.

Magic Shop Room 2

This is an illustration for the Magic Shop, a short story by H.G Wells I did whilst at Aberystwyth University as part of my first illustration module. This is the second room of the magic shop, it is far vaster and more expansive than the first room, having many large halls passages and arch ways, which are full of magical toys and many of the magic shop owners assistants. At the centre of the image is the boy Gip clad in magic toy armour holding up a magic toy sword which rains a magical rainbow throughout the room. To Gips left is the magic shop owner, hailing him. Below Gip is his father with his hand on his mouth in shock, he is staring in horror at one of the magic shopkeepers assistants at the top right, stretching and blowing and distorting his nose into a long telescope and trumpet. The shop is dotted with toy soldiers climbing out of a box to the left of the image and marching towards Gip and the magic shopkeeper climbing a pyramid up to them. Around the shop chairs and furniture fly about dancing in the air, and there is a toy train on a viaduct high above at the back of the shop, that is not powered by steam or clockwork but by tea, the train is a house and it’s carriages are teacups being filled by a tea pot at the back of the line. Demons, Wizards, Rabbits and a Rocking Horse hide beneath the archways and on top of pillars going about their business. There are many more things going on in this exciting part of the shop but I’ll leave you to look though and see what else you can find.

This illustration was inked in Indian ink on A3 mixed media paper.