Colour of Magic

This page holds my illustration work for the first Diskworld Novel the Colour of Magic written by Terry Prachett. It was created as part of an illustrated book on my Creative arts degree course as part of the illustration module. The works of coloured pencil, pencil, acrylic and Indian ink were done on A3 and A4 mixed media paper. They depict various scenes in the book - an abridged version of the story is available on this page to read along side the images. Unfortunately the book and none of these images are available to purchase at this time due to copyright law. I claim none of the written text or characters of Terry Prachett to be my own, and hope this to be considered only as non commercial fan art.

If you like this work and want to commission me to do some work in a similar style then please contact me via email, mobile or facebook. My contact details are available on the About page.

Ank Morpork Photos

These are illustrations of the photos the imp camera took whilst Rincewind and Twoflower were sight-seeing in Ank Morpork. Rincewind acting as a guide for Twoflower.

This piece was drawn in pencil on A4 mixed media paper

Ank Morpork Town

This is an illustration of the town of Ank Morpork, including the Broken Drum the temple of the seven handed sek, the alchemist shop, and a few other small houses and a chapel.

The piece was drawn with Indian ink on A4 mixed media paper

Chest of Legs

This is an illustration of Twoflowers luggage that has accompanied him from the Agatean Empire on the counterweight continent. I really wanted the luggage to have as much personality as possible. So I gave the luggage teeth as well as a large human tong. I tried to play with the key locks so that they would look like a pair of eyes. There are also eyes at the back of the chest lid, with the intention of them being sort of like the rings in the wood of the chest. I put in a handle, shaped so that it could be a smile or a sad face. Also putting my own spin on it, I wanted to make the chest not necessarily too human, perhaps giving it a creepy vibe. So I made the legs crab legs, instead of human legs as seen in most illustrations for disk world.

The painting was done in Indian Ink on A4 mixed media paper

Rincewind in the forest

This is an illustration of the scene when Rincewind is hanging from a tree trying to escape a pack of wolves below. He is speaking with the character Death who has once again caught up to him as he is about to fall from the tree and be eaten. Rincewind is grabbed from behind and taken into the tree trunk by a pair of mysterious hands.

The drawing was done in Indian Ink on A4 mixed media paper

Ank Morpork Broken Drum

This is an illustration of a scene where Rincewind first meets Twoflower in the Broken Drum pub. Rincewind involuntarily becomes a travel guide for Twoflower, and takes him to various places across the Discworld .

This piece was created on A4 mixed media paper and drawn in Indian Ink.

The Iconograph

This is an illustration of the Imp Camera or Iconograph, that Twoflower carries around on his travels. The Imp is a grumpy artist that lives within the camera, painting the photographs that are then printed from it. In this scene the imp is complaining to Rincewind about there not being enough pink paint left, since they had been, commissioning paintings of women in the Ank Morpork Brothel earlier. The illustration of the camera where the imp lives was inspired by the old camera obscurant of the mid 1600’s.

This piece was created on A4 mixed media paper and drawn in Pencil.

Ank Morpork Docks

This is an illustration of Twoflower and the mysterious luggage (with many legs and a tung, that held within a lot of rare pure gold rhinu coins), leaving a ship from the Angtien Empire that has docked at the Ankh Morpork Docks. Twoflower is greeted by a man named Blind Hugh who is frightened by the sight of Twoflowers glasses funnily enough. He makes to run before he stops himself, as Twoflower offers him some Rhinu gold to direct him to the nearest hotel.

This piece was created on A4 mixed media paper and painted in Acrylic paint and drawn with Indian Ink.

The Wyrmberg

This is an illustration of Rincewind, Twoflower and the legendary Barbarian Hrun, escaping the Wrymberg and the Dragon Lady and her dragon riders, atop the great dragon Ninereeds. They fly high above the Wrymberg into the clouds touching the swirling colours of magic. To create the dragons I did a lot of research into the anatomy of different dinosaur species, of carnivore and herbivore such as T-rex, Triceratops and Notocolussus. I also did research into a few other animals, such as the vampire bat with it’s curved pointed wings, and different types of lizard for the eyes and dragon mane, the bearded dragon was one such influence among these.

This piece was created on A3 mixed media paper and painted in Acrylic and drawn in Indian Ink.

The Draids

This is an illustration of Rincewind talking with the Draid Queen Druella, accompanied by her Draid guards.

This piece was created on A4 mixed media paper and drawn in pencil

Draids height comparison

These are illustrations of Draids along side Rincewind. Showing the height comparison of the characters, the male Draids are tall and powerful men compared to Rincewind and the females Draids.

This piece was created on A4 mixed media paper and drawn in pencil

Edge of Disc World

This is an illustration where Rincewind and Twoflower are sailing with the sea troll along the edge of the discworld. On the edge of the disc you can see the colours of magic, the pure octarine mist simmering of the disc and into space.

This piece was created on A4 mixed media paper and painted in Acrylic and drawn in Indian Ink

The Sending of Eight

This is an illustration of the god character fate. He is among the other gods of the discworld playing a dungeons and dragons like boardgame. Rincewind and Twoflower being the characters they are controlling. The character design of fate was inspired by a lot of different things. Such as creatures from doctor who and monsters ink, but also the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh ruffs , and the neck ruffs seen in certain higher class Elizabethan characters of the 1600’s.

This piece was created on A4 mixed media paper and drawn in Indian Ink

Ank Morpok Fire

This is an illustration of Ank Morpork in flames, after the Barkeep Broadman sets the town aflame. The character Death is wondering around the streets collecting the dead of the town. To show this I illustrated a skull in the flames burning one of the houses, and a giant dark shadow hand stretching across from the left. Rincewind and Twoflower can be seen running through the town on the lower bottom left of the picture.

The buildings nears the docks of Ank Morpork were in part inspired by the buildings seen in coastal seaside towns such as Aberytwyth, where there is a stretch of colourful houses stacked against each other along the piers.

This piece was created on A3 mixed media paper and painted in Acrylic and drawn in Indian Ink

Death Pointing

This is an illustration of the character Death. He is inspired by the Grim Reaper, and has an emblem of two keys on his chest which was a deviation from skull and cross bones, to perhaps mean the keys to death and the afterlife. I don’t know if there is, or if a realm for death and the afterlife was intended for the discworld, or if it was left to the reader to decide, but I wanted to add my own style and spin on it, and create an icon for this character to distinguish him from the other Grim Reaper characters, seen in other fantasy/fiction illustrations. For I found Death’s character in this series to be very unique, and even funny at times. He is not a morally good or evil character but rather a character with a necessary and important job to do, of which he does in a non bias and accepting way. He is a very interesting character, which I am still learning about in the books.

This piece was created on A4 mixed media paper and drawn in Pencil

Rincewind talking to Bruz and Weasel

This image illustrates a scene from the beginning of the book where Rincewind is talking to two characters named Weasel and Bravd. Weasel and Bravd are hero barbarians. They are talking about the fire in the town of Ankh Morpork.

This piece was created on A4 mixed media paper and drawn in Indian Ink


I imagined the characters in general to be short and disproportioned with large heads and small bodies, often seen in the designs of early video game characters because they lacked the pixels to show the full proportioned body in enough detail, wanting to emphasise the face which is our connection to the character.

I wanted to give them a comical cuteness, small not very intimidating or powerful people in a large unpredictable magical world. I gave the wizard Rincewind a long slightly pointy nose because I interpreted him to be in a way cynical and distrustful, but also quite intentionally nosey. He has a long beard and hair showing that he could be quite clumsy, possibly tripping over his beard. Also again he is very small showing his cowardly nature.

I imagined Twoflower, to be round and have the attire that had a similarly lined pattern of a beach ball. In the book his clothes are described to have the colours of a beach ball and I took this idea to represent his round physique as well. He could trip and fall over and roll around quite comically. He has patterns on his shirt of flowers like daisy's, showing visually his name Twoflower. He has a straw hat, and a red nose for added comedic effect, and a face shaped so that it has two overly round golf ball cheeks, with a constant smile on his face. He is often cheerful and a naively optimistic character; clearly the worlds first tourist.

This piece was created on A4 mixed media paper and drawn in Coloured Pencil and Indian Ink

Troll Mercenaries

This is an illustration of the Rocktrolls, mercenaries that were guarding the Broken Drum inn. They point spotting Rincewind sneaking around on the rooftops with a sack of gold on his shoulders along with the luggage following behind.

This piece was created on A4 mixed media paper and drawn in Indian Ink

Temple of Bel Shamharoth

This is an illustration of when Hrun the Barbarian takes Rincewind and Twoflower upon horseback, as they flee from the crumbling temple of Bel Shamharoth. The character Death is following them from behind, as the powerful rush of wind blows the trees and the pillars around the temple start to crumble.

This piece was created on A3 mixed media paper and painted in Acrylic paint and drawn in Indian Ink

Liessa Dragon Lady

This is an illustration of the Dragon Lady Liessa, as she unveils her cloth to Hrun the Barbarian. She was described as a strong, powerful beautiful red haired woman.

This piece was created on A4 mixed media paper and drawn in pencil

Inside the Wrymberg

This is an illustration of Rincewind battling the Dragon Lord Liartes inside the Wrymberg. The Dragons are gathered around wondering who will be their next meal.

This piece was created on A3 mixed media paper and painted in Acrylic paint and drawn in Indian Ink

Death Riding

This is an illustration of Death riding upon his white steed out of Deaths Garden. There are spirits flying high above in a pink mourning sky. With ghostly pale green hedges with spirits trapped within as walls around the gate.

This piece was created on A3 mixed media paper and painted in acrylic paint and drawn in Indian Ink

Riding atop Ninereeds

This is an illustration of Rincewind and Twoflower escaping the Wrymberg atop the dragon Ninereeds.

This piece was created on A4 mixed media paper and drawn in Indian Ink

Lord Liartes riding a Dragon

This is an illustration of of the Dragon Lord Liartes flying atop a dragon through the wilderness.

This piece was created on A4 mixed media paper and drawn in pencil

Druella the Draid Queen

This is an illustration of the Draid Queen Druella. She has green skin, roots and flowers growing around her body, as well as a few different types of ornamental jewellery around her body. Roots and leaves also twist around her throne within the Draid tree.

This piece was created on A4 mixed media paper and drawn in Indian Ink

Rincewind in the forest

This is an illustration of Rincewind interrogating one of the Dragon Lords with the magical talking sword Kring, as to where Twoflower and Hrun have disappeared to.

This piece was created on A4 mixed media paper and coloured in coloured pencil, and drawn in Indian Ink

Sea troll in cabin at night

The two day time and night time forms of the sea troll were an illustrated creation made up of different types of seaweed, coral, jellyfish and sea shells, that I gathered on the beaches of Aberytwyth and copied, coming together to create the two different creatures. The day time sea troll is small and friendly, being the same height as Rincewind and Twoflower. Whilst the evening troll towers over them in his large hut interior, being an intimidating powerful creature of the sea from another world. Both of the creatures were designed to appear alien looking in contrast to the other characters, hence the jellyfish resting on top of the evening sea trolls head.

This piece was created on A4 mixed media paper and drawn in pencil

Rincewind and Twoflower in Space on Rocket ship

This is an illustration of Rincewind and Twoflower being sent off to space in the Empires rocket ship, with the luggage following behind. Rincewind has fallen out of the rocket ship and his spacesuit is falling apart as he floats through space. This was to be the books cover, as I felt it captured everything within the story, and was an image I found interesting and hoped others would as well.

This piece was created on A3 mixed media paper in Acrylic Paint, and drawn in Indian Ink

Sea Troll Daytime

This is an illustration of the sea troll in daytime. Like the Sea troll at night is was inspired by the sea debris found on the beach, such as seaweed, coral, sea shells and jellyfish.

This piece was created on A4 mixed media paper and drawn in pencil and ink

Height scaling

This is an illustration comparing the heights of the different creatures and characters in meters.

This piece was created on A4 mixed media paper, and drawn in pencil

Height scaling 2

This is an illustration comparing the heights of the different creatures and characters in meters.

This piece was created on A4 mixed media paper and drawn in pencil

Disc World Map

This is a map of Terry Prachetts Discworld. I took inspiration from various other map artists , as to it’s geography, especially the illustrator Stephan Player who illustrated the book Discworld Mapp by Terry Prachett and Stephan Briggs. As to it’s colouring I imagined it to be like the colours seen on the back of a dvd or cd when a light is shone on it, so the map is dived to have colours reflecting those found on the back of a disk. There is also a ring of colour around the edges to show the colour of magic at the edge of the world, as Terry Prachett described near the end of the book, as Rincewind and Twoflower are about to fall of the edge of the world. I also took inspiration from an old golden turtle model that I bought on car boot sale as a child

This piece was painted in Acrylic on A3 mixed media paper